Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Some of you that read my blog are probably wondering if I am still here or
if I have just up and left...nope I'm here...seems as though I am going
through a season of my life that is yet bringing another change...not sure
just what it is..but I know that it will be something special, because you
see I have totally surrendered all of my life to my one and only Savior
Jesus I have done this before...but there were parts that I was
so unwilling to surrender and now I have let go..from here on out what He
wants is what I want...takes all the questions I know I will still
mess up...but I know that He is there right away to forgive and hold me
again...things just seem so uncertain in the world today..and I think that
if we all knew really what is going on we probably couldn't sleep tonight,
so I am glad I don't know it all and have my trust in someone that
does..that is where I will rest...

In my life...broken relationships have been mended recently....accepting
things that are and can't be changed...watching and waiting...embracing
God's blessings...thanking Him for them...Filled...overwhelmed sometimes at
what God has done in my life...if anyone has doubts that He is real give me
a call..I will tell you just how real He really is!!

Upon God's care I lay me down, as a child
upon a Mother's breast...
No silken couch, nor softest bed could ever
give me such deep rest!

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