Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I have worked at Rama going on 33 yrs this coming July.
Many, Many things have changed in those 33 years including me.
When I started there Chad was not even in school yet, just getting ready to start pre-school. It is so hard to imagine I have been in one place that long. I started out working with Evi and her and I became life long friends. We worked together for 28 years she was from Germany and I learned a lot of things from her. When she retired 6 years ago I missed her so...others have came and others have left..but there is still one there that has been with me for 19 years and another one for 10 yrs.

Talk comes up every now and again about Everett and I moving to McPherson since after all the kiddos and grand kiddos are all there...12 miles away...if we were all in Wichita or KC 12 miles would be nothing but since our drive takes us out in the country 12 miles seems like everything sometimes..it really isn't..

Today Sarah called and said " a tragedy has happened the little white cottage across the street from them has a 4-sale sign up and we didn't buy it...they have wanted us to buy it ever since they knew it was coming up for sale...

Now then, I have lived in my home here in Ridge since 1971....done a lot of work to it, raised all my kiddos here...grandkids have memories here...I was born and raised here...our oldest Granddaughter got married in our back yard...

Let's see.....39 years in the same house....Everett was at his job 38 years...I have been at mine 33 years and we have been married 46 years

Now does anyone get the picture...I don't like change...very well...
It almost makes me shiver to think of going through all my stuff and packing it and moving it...even though I know that one day I probably will...I can't stay here forever....

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