Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I have been here, sat down to blog and before I can even get half finished writing what is on my mind I delete it all...can't seem to get my thoughts down here...

Seems as though lately I have been reflecting on where I have been, where I came from and where oh where am I going..sometimes when the days run into each other and not much is happening out of the ordinary I start to wonder if I am really doing what I am suppose to be doing here on earth...I lately have ran across some other blogs of young Christian women and mothers and I start reflecting on my own life and where I have been. I start feeling so ( lack of words) regretful...of how I lived back then, how I was as a Mother and wish that I could go back just for a few years and do some things over...there are so many things that I am so sorry for..never could understand when my mother always use to say I wish that I could do this or that over she always seemed to live in the past..I don't want to go there and so I have been doing a lot of soul searching and praying and asking God to put the right attitude and His will in my heart...I then reflect on Joel 2:25...I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten...

Today I again want to focus on now and never ever forget that when God forgives He completely forgives as far as the east is from the west..and never to remember anymore...and even though I won't forget..here...unless old age takes care of that for me...I can learn and become better because of it..and also cherish the forgiveness of those that I love so much here....and be so thankful for that...

One lady wrote about the thorns....and how we can either look at inconvenience in our lives as thorns..and then remember that Jesus also says "My Grace is sufficient for you" and the best and favorite verse Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him / who have been called according to His purpose...

So when I wonder if I am where He wants me to be..that I am...and if I wonder am I doing all that I can be ...probably not...but my desire is to.....do exactly what He wants of me...and to serve Him totally....and bloom where He has planted me..and be content....

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