Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Where did they come from????

You know that I was raised in a simple home with older parents, kinda serious most of the time although my father did have an off of the wall kind of sense of humor.They were not parents that believed in getting a higher education and did not encourage even going to high school because of religious beliefs and just believed that you could get messed up and worldly ideas if you were to go and hang out with the world in that kind of setting. Never did I get help with homework or get any kind of encouragement in any kind of projects or any school activities outside of the everyday class parents never took part in anything that had to do with us children other then providing us with a home and food and clothing and love.. that was pretty much in return I probably raised my children that way to some degree..because in all reality I didn't know going on to say what I want to say is I don't know where my children got all their smarts...although Everett is pretty is an adjective that I never placed in front of me...not to many times in my life have I said "Oh boy am I smart" no, no, no.....

So where did everyone that I supposedly gave birth to and whom they gave birth to get it?????? My oldest is a go getter...she doesn't stop, not for a moment and has never ever let me forget or feel bad about not pushing her to go to college....I feel bad....I really do...but in my eyes she has done GREAT..she has never given up...and is so talented and smart in so many areas it amazes me..I personally think that she is doing terrific and it wouldn't make her a different person had she had that college education, but wished she did so she could feel better and I could too...but for whatever it is worth I think she is very smart.....and Witty and gifted in so many areas...self taught and has done a terrific job raising her 3 children..

My 2nd child, my first born son...there just about isn't anything in the electronic field that he can't too, he wanted to go to college..we had him enrolled at Pittsburg State even had a down payment made...and believe me when I tell you for us at that time it wasn't easy to get...and then when we went to apply for a student loan we were not approved because we made to much money...what ....where on earth is it we had to tell our dear son that he was not going to be able to I know for a fact that if he would have had 20 yrs of schooling he probably couldn't do any better then he is now...he owns his own computer business and everyone rants and raves about his brilliance....he builds them, repairs them, sets them up and teaches you how to use it...with little or no effort on his part..a natural...self taught and doing a terrific job raising his 4 children..

Our youngest..( our baby) too, is a very smart and talented young man...he started the computer business now that his brother runs...he got involved with a company when he owned his business that wanted him on board with them to take care of all their computer cares and problems..he has been to Germany several times and different places here in the states, taking classes and has moved up very successfully in this business...he in return did go to 2 years of computer tech school in Manhattan...I am sure he could have done it on his own, but I am sure the school helped him in a bunch of different ways...he is a very talented man too...musically like his father...drums, bass guitar and now mandolin and is doing a terrific job in raising his 4 children....

Now my grandchildren...the ones that are in school...and I now have a granddaughter getting her Master...her Master she has graduated from 4 yrs of college and is going on...a very smart young proud of her...her sister is in her 2nd year and is doing great art where did she get that???

I have a grandaughter in middle school...straight A's my others that range from 4th on down to kindergarten...all are right up there with their cousins and sibblings...

So now where do they get this from...not from me...but as I can see it, God He is the giver...and when He gives and we apply we can not fail...if we don't use excuses as a crutch to not go foward...He gives all of us gifts and talent and when we use it for His Glory and not our own..and take our focus off of the would of beens and put them on today..and go forward and do our best with what He has given us...that is all He asks of us...I am so thankful for what He has given family..I love them all!!!

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