Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Great Wolf Lodge

This is Great Wolf Lodge week-end for our family. I think that this is the 3rd year..I am looking so forward to it and am very excited..getting all the family together for the week-end to have a blast..we head there on Saturday, swim go and eat and then head back and swim some more...linger around...and just hang out..the kiddos love it..On Sunday morning swim and then hit the game room before we leave and the kids get to play all the games....

Tonight as I sit here I have to thank God for the gifts He has given me..the life of each and everyone of my children and their spouses and all the grandchildren..I am blessed beyond think of all the trouble in this world..the killing the terrorist threat, the great earthquake now and all the dead and all the rubble...and here I sit in this warm comfortable home..a loving husband...all the family, the time we are looking forward to spending together...if I have complained today Father forgive me...we have have a good family....a decent car...what do I have to complain about...nothing...and above all I have a savior...Jesus Christ...and you have a savior too....He died for each one of us....the whole world....Thank you Father..Bless my family, friends...keep each one in your care...

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