We can carry a battered old suitcase along..
Wondering then what is going wrong.
When we come to Christ and are born again,
We must repent and turn from our sin..
But it is easy to hang on and on,
To our old way of life and habits so long..
That is gets harder and harder to make that new start..
Unless we get in the Word and pray for a renewed mind and heart..
My suitcase I have taken to the Cross..
Wanting to go in the world and be a light to the lost..
Lord help me along and stay close by my side..
I want this to be a very joyous ride..
You are there and promise to be my Guide..
Please take my hand and lead me your way..
Because by myself I am sure to stray..
Thank you Lord Jesus for what you have done,
And thank you Father for sending your Son!!