Saturday, November 1, 2008


Today we had a reunion on my hubby's side. First one since the early 1980's.
Now let me tell you people do change in 20 some years if you haven't seen them.
Cousins of his that I haven't seen since I didn't know, but oh so interesting to hear the stories and share of the past 20 some years. Some really have a story to tell. My life in return has been pretty humdrum...That's OK tho, I am not complaining.

My hubby has some uncles on both sides of his family that are really up there in age.
One uncle there today will be 96 in Feb and the other one 90 in Feb. I have written about the one on his Mother's side that will be 94 in Dec. These uncles all still live in their own homes and still drive. It is pretty amazing to listen to them talk.
One was a P.O.W. in W.W. 2. To hear these stories of them growing up and what the world was like then I have not lived through anything. If you think of how our forefathers came over here from other countries and many did not make is a miracle. They fought and died for us that we could live in the land of freedom.I just pray that is not about to be taken away from us. We have to remember each new law that goes into effect takes away one more piece of freedom that we have had. I am not saying that all of them are bad, but each restriction that is put upon us is one less freedom that we have. We need now more than ever for God to Bless our Nation. And pray that once again we can become ONE NATION UNDER GOD that our forefathers fought so hard for us to be.

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