Wednesday, November 26, 2008

It's about Time

The days are passing quickly, time is going by in a flash..soon it will all be over. The turkey put away and on to the next. Things happen, people come and people go, on and on nothing at all stops..I want to say whoa...whoa...wait a minute I want to catch up...I want to catch on..things change and by the time I get use to them they have changed again..just like the back ground of my blog, I am thankful that my dear daughter does that for me!! When I check in here to write I never know what kinda background I am going to have...Thank you Steph...I love it...

Thanksgiving is later than usual this year so that means Christmas is sooner...right?
They have been playing Christmas music for a couple of weeks already on the radio and in the that so we buy earlier and longer??? I think so...but before you know it, it will be New Years..Are we ready...I believe ready or not here it comes...

My babies are growing so fast..Chad how old will you be next year?? Tal, Steph, where has the time gone???? No really I meant the twins and the rest of the grand kiddos...I love babies...but they just don't stay that way, in size anyway...maybe babies, but they are bigger and not as cute then...

Well I pray all of you have a great Thanksgiving and to remember we need to be thankful everyday...and lets have Christmas all year long...remembering Christ's birth (by the way Abby loved your blog on the real birth and how it must have taken place) His death and most important His Resurrection!!!

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