Thursday, October 17, 2013

Did I take enough time?

Sometimes as I look back I feel like I never took enough time.
Not enough time holding my babies.
Not enough time sitting on the porch swing.
Not enough time visiting with my Mom and Dad.
Not enough time talking to my babies.
Not enough time telling them how much I love them.
Not enough time sitting doing nothing with my hubby.
Not enough time listening just plain listening.
With not thinking about what I am going to say .

Today I want to stop....I want to take some time...
Not always reading what someone else wrote...
But listening to what my heart is telling me what to do...
And taking the time to do that...
It's pretty late but not to late...
What is my passion....???
What do I love..???

I used to think that I knew...
But somewhere between then and now...
I feel like I lost something...
To much time at work...
To much time thinking how it is all going to end....
I need to stop...breathe....relax....hold my hubbies hand...
Tell all my children and grandchildren and great grandchildren how much I love them...
How much they mean to me....

I want to be just the person God created me to be...not what I think I want to be...
Not who I think that I am...
But who am I in Christ...
I am a daughter of the King....
Blessed beyond anything I would have ever imagined...

I have just the same amount of time today as I did back then...
When I was in school living at home...
When I was newly married....
When my children were small...
When they were big...
And now...24 hours a day....

I don't want to waste anymore time on things that don't matter
I want to live as God would have me live...
Be me....Be He has create only me to be.... He has loved....
Give has He has given...


BJR said...

As we take a backward look, we see missed opportunities, don't we? Today, while reading this, I see God has granted me time to do these...the heart things. Time to talk, hold hands, say 'I love you', listen and offer support. And yet I'm often not as thankful as I should be. (I want the active things!) I've counted my blessings again today, even if the time is accompanied by health issues. Thanks for reminding me. May you enjoy the things our hearts reach for!...and your days be "rich"! BJR

Sheri Graham said...

Oh Evy...this was beautiful and exactly reflects my heart too. Not wanting these days to pass without doing what He has called me to do. To stop and take the time to do the little things that matter. Thank you for writing this Evy. Love it...and love you! Have a wonderful week! Love, Sheri