Tuesday, April 16, 2013


We attended a Southern Gospel songfest in Tulsa OK this last week-end. Such an inspiration! Praising the Lord, in song and testimony.
We as Christian are suppose to be forgiving. Many verses in the Bible speak of forgiveness one verse Colossians 3:13 Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. Also in Matt. Peter asks Jesus how many times should I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times? Jesus answers, I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.

Why is it so hard sometimes to forgive? Why can we become so bitter? Is it because we are so focused on self...we can't see any other way?

I struggle with this....then one by one, I prayed about it, and I started to let it go and forgive those that hurt me. It gave me so much freedom....but there still seemed to be a lump that didn't want to go away...

At the songfest there was a group there " The Isaac's" Such a good group....They ended their set with a song called " Why can't we"

The song's message is about a man that can't sleep at night, because he lays in his bed and thinks of all the things that he has done wrong in his life...how he wishes he could go back and do things over. The song goes on and talks about The woman at the well.

Where Jesus said....He who has not sinned cast the first stone...they all walked away...

I have been like that man that couldn't sleep...wishing that I could go back and do things over....I would be a better daughter, defiantly a better mother...a better wife...a better friend...surrendered my life at an earlier age....on and on...

Then I realized...we ALL have sinned...made mistakes...things we all could do different if we could...we can't...that is why the Cross is the most important thing ever...that is where when we accept the free gift of salvation...we are totally...totally forgiven because of what Jesus did at the cross..He paid it all...now He forgave me...for all my sins and mistakes...now why can I not forgive myself...where can that come from.. If I could have lived the perfect life He would not have had to die for me....He has set me FREE!!
What a peace...what a joy!!

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