Sunday, January 1, 2012

End of the year 2011

Another year end...this year I have not been sad as some years I am. Usually I look back and there are a lot of things that I reflect upon that can make me sad, lonely or wishing that I had done this or hadn't done that but that didn't happen this year. Even taking down the Christmas trees didn't do that to me this year. And always taking the trees down can make me sad. I love Christmas and Christmas eve is my very favorite day of the year.

Things were different this year...there were moments when the changes came and wanted to make me sad and maybe a little bit...but there was so much can we get caught up on sadness when there is so much celebrate first of all the birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ...knowing the why He was born...was to save us from Hell...where is there any sadness in that. I have discovered sometimes we create our own sadness by not living in the present but alway reflecting on the past or thinking of the what a waste, but we do that don't we?

We had so many get togethers this Christmas..with Abby and Jeff here and all the business, coffee, coffee, eating, eating some more...playing and watching Lucy...all the other much fun and God has blessed this family with so much....

Winding down the holidays now brings reality starts up tomorrow at 6 am...go thankful that I have the job..and in two weeks it is GREAT WOLF LODGE with the family.....

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