God gave His only begotten Son to come to this earth, be born of a virgin, live a perfect live in my place and then take ALL the sins of every person that has ever been or is,or will be; upon Himself and went to the cross for a perfect sacrifice for my life, a price that I could NEVER pay, for as hard as I try I cannot be the person of perfection that our Father in Heaven requires for me to one day enter into His presence ....God sacrificed His one and only Son and His Son Jesus sacrificed His life for me...what I have given back to HIM???
What did I sacrifice today??? Did I give some of my time to someone who needed help or did I say, no I don't have time to help, I have stuff of my own I want to do??? Even though that person may have done something for me at one time or another, all though is it really sacrificing when it can become repayment??? Have I given to someone who has less then me, or have I taken the extra money that I may have and hurry to the store to buy me something???
Did I stop to talk to someone who may have looked like they were having a bad day? Did I say "HI" or give someone a smile..did I open a door for someone who had their hands full..did I offer any of myself today that wasn't required of me to do but did because I want others to see the Love of Jesus in me??? These are tough questions..but ones I think are very important...we can get so wrapped up in our lives, our stuff, our time, our money, that we totally fail to do as believers what God has called us to do and that is give....give...give...share...help those in need...to put others before ourselves....this has really been on my heart today..me searching my own heart to see where I have failed...(and I have) and to truly want to do what God has called me to do....WE have but one life...and soon to pass...and only what done for Christ will last....
Everett's note today:
There is a hardware store that uses the slogan
As Christians we need to use the slogan
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