Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A little town A whole lot of fun

Sunday evening Blackkettle Gospel Bluegrass traveled to Delphos Ks. Before we were asked to play there I had never heard of the place before. It was a quaint little place, and the gazbo and park were right in the middle of town...I think all of the town showed up carring their lawn chairs and eating the ice cream floats that the youth were selling. It was an evening called Getting to know your neighbor. To take time out of your busy schedule to sit, relax, visit and listen to some bluegrass gospel before the business of harvest started. The Lord provided us with a beautiful evening, it couldn't have been better and the people there were so nice and so hospitable. I am thinking more communities need to do that too. What a way to start off a summer. Thank you Delphos!

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