Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Old School..???

Just some thoughts that I am having this I as old school as I sometimes think that I am or am I not..
1. I Never thought that I would have a computer...
2. I Never thought that I would have a cell phone on me ALL the time...
3. I Never thought that I would be the main bread winner in our family...
4. I Never thought when I got older (which I am now) that certain things would matter anymore...

Tonight I was having a conversation with my oldest can be very interesting sometimes I was kidding him about his new BlackBerry phone, that he was right up there with Mr. President now, he said (kidding) he never thought that I would have a on facebook..have me to much a part of this world have I really become...what does the term "worldly"
mean...when I was growing up as a little Holderman girl the term "worldly was used all the time...and I do mean all the time. Anytime we would see someone that wasn't from "our church" they were worldly people..I used to think that women with curled hair down were very worldly, men that didn't have beards...drove cars with white wall tires...(showing my age, but very proud of it)those things were worldly...TV was worldly...your toes showing in your shoes was very worldly..blouses without sleeves...worldly again..camaras..on and on I could go...but my point is what does it really mean to be in the world but not of the world...what was Jesus saying to us and how do we know when we are flirting with the world..doing just as they are but saying we are not of them...Where do we go from here, how far out do we step..just far enough to look over the edge to see what is there, but not really stepping foot on the other side, who is to say we haven't already...who is watching..I know one who has His eye on me and I don't want to fall....we need to be prayerful and very discerning...For we as believers are called to be the salt and the light of this world..

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