Blackkettle bluegrass has been in existence a long time, Everett has played with Blackkettle bluegrass many, many years with many different guys. For the last 5 years since I became a part of them we really haven't changed except for our youngest dropping out because his family duties increased by 2 last summer. Chad played upright bass for us. We did a lot of playing out for awhile and really had a good time plus we were ministering through our music because we had turned from bluegrass music to Gospel bluegrass and I love gospel bluegrass it is my very favorite type of music. Now that Chad is no longer in it for now, (he will be again) our banjo players nephew joined us and it has been good too. When Chad does return Austin will still stay with us, He has brought a really good singing voice to the group.
My story is that these two gentlemen are so nice to be around. They are so basic, and when I say basic that is what I mean. They just don't need much in life (Uncle Loren has been a huge influence in Austin life) They work the ground in much the old way and there thinking is the same. I love it...this young man who is in is 2nd year of college doesn't even have a cell phone nor does he want one..when I asked him about it he said why??? They are concerned over the situation in the world as most of us are, but they won't have as much to lose as some of us if things really keep going down because they haven't gotten that caught up in all of the things...Loren is in the process of building his own log cabin way out in a pasture by a pond of water...he is cutting the logs down from tress and making them by hand..I really enjoy our band practices and they are so much fun to be around...
It reminds me of a much simpler life style much like when I was growing up..
How I miss those days sometimes...
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