Monday, May 10, 2010

It is Now

I am finally coming to a place in life when I realize it is now or never.

1. It is now when I need to start taking one moment at a time and thanking God for each and every day He gives me.

2. It is now that I need to not let the little things in life stir up my blood pressure.

3. It is now that I need to realize that everything and I mean EVERYTHING is under God's control...that nothing can happen w/o Him allowing it to happen.

4. It is now that I need to realize that now matter what I will never on the side of Heaven be perfect..not a perfect body, not perfect hair, not a perfect singing voice, and not a perfect boss at work...etc...

5. It is now that I need to start to realize how much God loves me and if He loves me that is enough. I do not need to let those people that don't like me and defianitly don't love me, bother me and let it ruin my day.

6. It is now that I need to start to realize that God has put so many wonderful people in my life..and especially my family that I am blessed beyond measure.

7. It is now that I need to put the past totally behind me, old friendships that have been lost...all the bad choices that I made and all the bad things that I have done...I need to go forward, onward...not to put my hand on the plow and look back...

8. It is now that counts. I am going to be a Greatgrandma soon and how much better does it get then that??

9. It is now that I need to let go of things that are not in my control and not feel guilty.

10. It is now that each day I am going to take God at His word..He says "Never will I leave you or forsake you." He says that I can cast All my anxity on Him because He cares for me..and that His love is for Always!!

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