Monday, February 1, 2010

Thank you God

Thank you God for this day that you have given me, even though the sun wasn't shining and the sky wasn't blue you provided me with a wonderful day.

I first was able to get up out of bed all by myself, didn't need any help..I got to go to my job where it was warm inside..all the girls were in a good mood today, I had new help come in, wonderful coffee to drink...breakfast to eat...lunch waiting for me when I came home at noon....had a treatment on my back and neck...had supper out with my wonderful husband and now I have a cozy warm home and a cozy warm bed awaiting me...I had the blessing of talking to all of my children..and my wonderful Abby in Chicago...

If I have grumbled or complained please forgive me...there are millons out there that do not have what I with them too....Thank you for giving us your Son who so willing gave up His life for me...with out Him I am nothing and because of Him I am everything...

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