Friday, September 18, 2009

Perfect Fall Evening

WE have been having the perfect weather...I don't remember when we have had so many perfect days in a row...our days and evenings are just amazing...God is showing His beauty in His Creation...
About 4 weeks ago Everett bought him and I each a new this is our new thing every evening that we can we ride anywhere from 8 to 10 miles and we are loving it.
Good exercise and just very enjoyable...

Tonight we came back from our ride and started a fire in the chiminia and had some coffee...such a nice time with the sounds of nature all around us..makes you wonder where they all hide and how they come out at night to make all their sounds..there are so many it is hard to tell what is what....frogs, crickets, birds, locusts..and many more I am sure...then and oh yes the mosquito's, which now my legs are covered with evidence that they too, were sharing the beautiful night with us...oh how I hate those little creatures...there are some in my family they don't like, but then there are those rest of us that they love...

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