Tuesday, November 11, 2014

What is important?

I am sitting here reading e-mails of friends and reading blog post of a dear cousin or ours and both are very, very sad.

Both have cancer, bad cancer (not that there is any good cancer) but the kind I am talking about is aggressive, ugly stuff....

One has to have a bladder removed and also prostrate and the other one has a tumor by her liver that if it grows will close her bile duct and the cancer is in her bile duct...not much hope there....intensive chemo.....

Where do we turn, where do we get our hope from when pray tell when we are healthy and not facing these health problems how do we come up with what is important????

When we are facing the problems of everyday life and all seems so important...who didn't talk to me today...what color should I paint my walls....I want another pair of shoes...where shall we eat....what shall I wear...I am so tired...I just can't go....let me go take a nap.....what is for supper....these bills just pile up...how will I pay them....it's so cold out....it's so hot....it is so windy....raining again....it's so dry...snow???? ice??? oh the cost to heat our house....what? we have heat????  I have to get up and go to work....what??? If only....

Oh how the Word of God says not to grumble and complain....Philippians  2:14....BUT OH HOW WE COMPLAIN....

What am I doing to make a difference.....it is easy to sit back and let others....When I am cold I turn up the heat, when I am hot I turn on the air conditioner when it gets dark out I flip a switch and have light...

I must confess....this morning in my daily bread reading was a prayer...I prayed it....and then...I didn't live it....

Dear Lord, thank YOU for redeeming me and giving me new life. Give me compassion for those who are still lost in spiritual darkness. Use me to be a LIGHT that points others to you....the LIGHT of the world....

Did others see Christ in me today....did I help someone along the way....did I show his love to the unlovable??? I failed....

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Sorting through the Emotions

Life the last couple of months has been like a roller coster ride to some degree.
I know that I have nothing to complain about and nothing real serious has happened but changes (a lot) never the less.

I know that bigger changes are heading my way soon. Don't know how soon but soon.

I have reached full retirement age this summer. I thought when this would happen that I would be ready to retire...that was years ago I thought that and now that the time has come when I could I am not ready.

I know in my heart that I would love it. But it is also a very scary thing for me. Don't ask me why but it may have something to do with I don't deal with change very well.

Going on 38 years in my job, 43 years in the same house, 50 years of marriage to the same man in Oct. can you see I don't like change.

I love to change the decor of my home, love to change my hair style, love to have trendy clothes, love to have different vechicles but when it comes to where I put my feet down I don't want to move.

I am emotional. Very. I try not to be. But I am.

Had 2 children sell their homes this summer. One has moved and the other will move in Oct.

We started camping about 3 years ago with our one son and daughter. Now our son sold their camper and are no longer camping. That about put me over the edge. We have only camped once this summer and I love camping. Makes me feel sad.

There are things I like most would like to stay the same but that is not how life is.

We have been churchless for a year now. We have been in home church. It has been good but we are now ready to start attending church services again. I have grown spiritually a lot in our home church but we feel like it is time to move on. This is what I want but it also makes me feel sad. I have good reason to leaving but .....I am emotional....

Life is good....God has a plan....and I want to be right where God wants me doing what He wants me to do. Where that is right now I guess is right where I am at....He has not moved me yet....and I trust that when the time comes for my big changes I will know....In my heart...I know that is true.....

We all need to be needed and we all need to be loved....I feel both....and I am thankful for that.....

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Flesh versus Spirit

The Spirit says : Forgive
The Flesh says: Hold a grudge

The Spirit says: Be Temperate
The Flesh says: Eat whatever you want whenever you feel like it.

The Spirit says: Give that money to someone in need.
The Flesh says: Spend that money on yourself.

The Spirit says: Spend some time in the Word and in prayer.
The Flesh says: You've had a long day chill out in front of the TV for the evening.

The Spirit says: Hold your tongue. What you are about to say is not necessary. (ouch)
The Flesh says: Tell it like it is.

How many times do I give into the Flesh when I know the Spirit is telling me something else.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

The King is Coming

As a Babe came our Savior the first time....God in the Flesh. He came to save us from our sins.

As we enter into the Christmas season, all the hustle and bustle of the season I want to stop...I want to listen to the quietness of the His words that He has written in His Word. On the Holiness of Jesus and His love for the world and how He paid for all the sin debt of every soul that has and will be born.

How He walked with sinners...how He ate with sinners....how he humble Himself to washing the dirty feet of His disciples.....how He went to the Garden and prayed....how He has the perfect plan laid out in His word for contentment....for instruction on life...on money.. on how we are to live...and how many, many times...we do it our way....our way seems so much better....and we wonder then where is the peace...where is the contentment....where is the hope.....

He came to give us life...and give it to us abundantly.
As a nation we must get down on our knees and seek his forgiveness and repent of our sins and turn to Him....but it must start with us...with me....our world has become so accepting...even our church's do not say anything that could condemn someone or hurt someones feelings...we must look the other way in order not to stir up any trouble...often times I wonder where I would have been had I not had the foundation as a child. I didn't understand it then but it was instilled in in me there is a heaven and there is a hell and one place or the other we will spend eternity there. And I do know the only way is through Jesus....as a babe He came but He came as our King to die for our sins so that we may live.

Christmas eve is my very, very most favorite day of the year....I makes me feel special...to think that Jesus had me in mind had you in mind...He came as a babe....the first time but the next time He will come as a King.....

Merry Christmas...let's cherish this time and listen...to the sounds of Christmas!!!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Food On my Table

I have a roof up above me and a good place to sleep, there is food on my table, and shoes on my feet, you gave me your love Lord and a fine family...thank you Lord for you blessings on me.

What a song..what words...though the world looks upon me when I struggle along, they say I have nothing but they are so wrong, in my heart I am rejoicing why can't they see...thank you Lord for your blessings on me.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Love! Favorites!

These are the people and places and things in my life that bring me joy and I love. I love the man standing next to our camper. I love camping!! Love. Love. Love.

I loved going to Chicago when Abby and Jeff were there. Loved their apartments, being in the city so far from home.
Love spending the time with them doing the things I don't do everyday. Taking the train there, and even flying one time and driving twice...fun

Love Colorado....love...We have been there quite a few times and it makes me feel so close to God..all the beauty of it all!

My blackboard Everett made me many years ago. Each and every day for years he leaves me a note on it early in the morning. It is there when I come down from upstairs. His notes have so much meaning for life. Love. Love. Love.

My red wash house that sits in my back yard. It sat in the backyard of the home I grew up in...I played in it when I was little it was my playhouse and my mom washed her clothes in it when I was a child...love it in my back yard. A very kind man had bought it when they burned down my home place and hauled it off and a couple of years later brought it to my backyard!

Snow, fresh fallen snow...the building is where I have worked for almost 37 years...tears and laughter in that building but now it is a joy I have wonderful girls working for me..it used to be our  flour mill here in town now it is a wire harness shop. I love the old in there. My office has the original floors....love ...for the most part....my job ...soon it will be time to retire...how do I feel??? 

Branson....we go there sometimes 2 to 3 times a year....we have so much fun...Christmas in Branson...The Landing...just all the people..Silver Dollar City...the kiddos get us Season Ticket to SDC...love the smell there...the food...


Christmas eve...my favorite day of the year...there is something sacred about that day...love Christmas eve..going to candle light service with all of my family..getting together for snacks...going to bed and waking up on Christmas morning used to be so exciting when the kiddos were all home....So many memories!! Love. Love.

Great Wolf Lodge...been doing this for a number of years now..our Christmas present to the children and grandchildren..how they love it a week-end together. Playing, swimming talking late into the night. I will cherish these times forever..as long as I have my mind...these are so special to me!!!
All are a gift from God...Thank you!!!

Monday, October 28, 2013


Fortress the Greek  word for stronghold taken literally means a fortress. It is used in the Bible as a metaphor to represent things that are based only on human confidence or pride as opposed to those that rely on God's input and guidance. Strongholds are walls or fortresses around beliefs and emotions to protect us from further pain. an important part of healing and transforming the deep wounds divinely pulling down the stronghold.

Strongholds can bind us tie us up and keep us from doing and living the life that God has planned for us.
I don't claim to be an expert on strongholds and may be all wrong about them. I have not done an intense study on strongholds but do know that I myself have struggled with some. The stronghold of beliefs that I have had have been powerful. We are fighting a spiritual battle daily. The world, self and the devil. Believing things that are not true can keep us from having the peace and joy and freedom that God has intended for us to have.

This is the area where my struggle has been for years. Believing things that are not true! The only way to free yourself from the stronghold of untruth is to find out the truth. Searching God's word, prayer, seeking the Holy Spirit's leading, and in my case having a husband that is so spiritually and in God's word that we can talk and seek God's word for the truth.

We can really believe something to be so true and it can be so far from truth that when the light comes on you wonder how you could have really believed that to begin with but then realize at the time I didn't know better nor did I take the time to search for the truth. When we are taught something and it is taught over and over generation after generation and you keep asking questions but no one will answer them or know the answer themselves how do you break the untruth.

Now not all can be not true...there may be just enough truth there that you don't ever question it keeping us enough naïve that we just don't think anything can be wrong.

There are a lot of strongholds.....sin.....destructive thoughts, negative thoughts, lust, impure thinking...pride, habits, learned behaviors that enslave us.

But Glory be to God...there is a way...to break down strongholds...whatever they may be....God's Spirit and God's Word.

Through the power of the Holy Spirit and the life-transforming power of God's Word, our stronghold(s) can be pulled down!

I am so thankful for a loving, all powerful God...nothing, nothing is to hard for Him...

I am so thankful for His love for me and for you that He sent His only begotten Son that we may have everlasting life.
That whosoever believeth in Him will have everlasting life...His gave His life for me and for you..and there is NOTHING I can do to help Him save me...He did it all...and on the cross said IT IS FINISHED...there is nothing left to do but believe.....I have put all my trust in Him....to do what HE said HE has done....He died for my sins and yours!

And He is coming back....soon....