I am sitting here reading e-mails of friends and reading blog post of a dear cousin or ours and both are very, very sad.
Both have cancer, bad cancer (not that there is any good cancer) but the kind I am talking about is aggressive, ugly stuff....
One has to have a bladder removed and also prostrate and the other one has a tumor by her liver that if it grows will close her bile duct and the cancer is in her bile duct...not much hope there....intensive chemo.....
Where do we turn, where do we get our hope from when pray tell when we are healthy and not facing these health problems how do we come up with what is important????
When we are facing the problems of everyday life and all seems so important...who didn't talk to me today...what color should I paint my walls....I want another pair of shoes...where shall we eat....what shall I wear...I am so tired...I just can't go....let me go take a nap.....what is for supper....these bills just pile up...how will I pay them....it's so cold out....it's so hot....it is so windy....raining again....it's so dry...snow???? ice??? oh the cost to heat our house....what? we have heat???? I have to get up and go to work....what??? If only....
Oh how the Word of God says not to grumble and complain....Philippians 2:14....BUT OH HOW WE COMPLAIN....
What am I doing to make a difference.....it is easy to sit back and let others....When I am cold I turn up the heat, when I am hot I turn on the air conditioner when it gets dark out I flip a switch and have light...
I must confess....this morning in my daily bread reading was a prayer...I prayed it....and then...I didn't live it....
Dear Lord, thank YOU for redeeming me and giving me new life. Give me compassion for those who are still lost in spiritual darkness. Use me to be a LIGHT that points others to you....the LIGHT of the world....
Did others see Christ in me today....did I help someone along the way....did I show his love to the unlovable??? I failed....