Life the last couple of months has been like a roller coster ride to some degree.
I know that I have nothing to complain about and nothing real serious has happened but changes (a lot) never the less.
I know that bigger changes are heading my way soon. Don't know how soon but soon.
I have reached full retirement age this summer. I thought when this would happen that I would be ready to retire...that was years ago I thought that and now that the time has come when I could I am not ready.
I know in my heart that I would love it. But it is also a very scary thing for me. Don't ask me why but it may have something to do with I don't deal with change very well.
Going on 38 years in my job, 43 years in the same house, 50 years of marriage to the same man in Oct. can you see I don't like change.
I love to change the decor of my home, love to change my hair style, love to have trendy clothes, love to have different vechicles but when it comes to where I put my feet down I don't want to move.
I am emotional. Very. I try not to be. But I am.
Had 2 children sell their homes this summer. One has moved and the other will move in Oct.
We started camping about 3 years ago with our one son and daughter. Now our son sold their camper and are no longer camping. That about put me over the edge. We have only camped once this summer and I love camping. Makes me feel sad.
There are things I like most would like to stay the same but that is not how life is.
We have been churchless for a year now. We have been in home church. It has been good but we are now ready to start attending church services again. I have grown spiritually a lot in our home church but we feel like it is time to move on. This is what I want but it also makes me feel sad. I have good reason to leaving but .....I am emotional....
Life is good....God has a plan....and I want to be right where God wants me doing what He wants me to do. Where that is right now I guess is right where I am at....He has not moved me yet....and I trust that when the time comes for my big changes I will know....In my heart...I know that is true.....
We all need to be needed and we all need to be loved....I feel both....and I am thankful for that.....