Friday, December 16, 2011

When we have no choice

There are so many things in our life  that can happen to us and we have no choice in the matter, they just happen.........................

We have no choice into which family we are born.....babies have no choice and no voice in the matter if the mother decides to abort them............................

There is no choice in the color of our eyes, our skin, our hair (as babies) our get the picture..

Bad things happen to us, which we if given a choice would not choose...such as tornados taking away all our possessions, earthquakes, floods etc....

When we loose a loved one...children die either because of  sickness or accidents way to early in life...maybe our spouse...a parent....a friend.....maybe we have a bout with cancer....or other sickness....lupus....M.S. or lots of other sickness can come upon us...someone being hit by a drunk driver.....

Then there are other things that can really shake our unfaithful spouse....a wayward child....a broken family that healing might seem impossible....

Today I wonder why....I spent some time with a very hurting friend of mine that has to go through a very horrible time.....that totally seems like it is out of her control...she had no choice in the matter....I don't have answers for any of this..but do know there is one choice that we can make.....if we are a wayward soul out there....we can turn to our only hope that we have and that IS IN Christ.....we must seek HIS forgivness and repent and forsake our way and follow HIM...because without making that choice there is no hope....

He came as a wrinkled babe....born of a a lowly live the perfect life that we cannot...and to be the perfect sacrifice...for our sins.....that we may have life and have it abundantly...not without pain, and not without sickness nor loss....but He promise in Hebrews 13:5 I will never leave you or forsake you...when we seek Him honestly and with all our heart...In our trials, and we will have them...He will be there for us....

I have struggled with different things this week....and my hubby sat down one day and said...we have a choice....we can follow Christ or we can follow Satan...there are only 2 roads.....when we live in the what if's....and keep looking back...our eyes cannot be focused on our Savior.....and the evil one of this world loves that......

I want to keep my eyes on the Babe....this Christmas season.....and remember why He came...the perfect gift of CHOICE is ours.....