Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Goings' On

Haven't blogged for awhile, seems like a lot is going on, but then on the other hand seems like maybe I have just been not having a lot to blog about that would be of interest to any of you.
I'm not sure that I want to think of my life as not being of meaning or interest and really don't think that it has been but maybe God is using this time in a way that I don't see yet. Which I am sure that is what He does all the time. I have always felt like when we are doing for the Lord we really don't know it all the time. That we need to do what we feel called to do right away and not sit and ponder on it waiting for it to be the right time for us. His timing is always the right time..

Things are still slow at work...but we are holding our own..and this down time has been good, I think it has made all of us stop and be more thankful for our jobs and not take everything for granted. It is good to have to depend on others more..reach out and help when we see a need, share what God has provided for us...

Everett's note today was:
It's not what we have that matters
It's what we give away....
God wants us to be cheerful givers, helping those in need...praying and being discerning...we are so blessed..

Our plans are all made for Chicago..I am so excited to see Abby's little apartment and spend time with her and Jeff and Stella. My very first granddaughter graduating from College...can't believe it...a Bible college at that, how awesome..we are so proud of you Abby Jo!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

"Love your Enemy"

Everett and I were in conversation this morning about who is our enemy?
His note to me today was "Love your enemy". He told me to really think about the word enemy. The dictionary describes enemy as a person that wishes another harm.
So as Christians we should not be an enemy should we? But we are, to some aren't we.
Are we looked at by someone as their enemy? Shouldn't we forgive our enemies as Christ forgave us. Why is it written in Scripture if it isn't an issue. But it is an issue..we have lots of enemies...our nations has lots of enemies, people that are jealous of us or don't like us are our enemies...but we are to love them. It is a command by God to love those that wish us harm.
Sunday in our sermon the preacher said, are we commanded to love Sodom?? We are, we are called to forgive....to love and when someone takes our cloak we are to give him our tunic too...that is what Jesus says "LOVE" your enemies.

Friday, March 13, 2009

In Tune or Not?

I have never much been in tune with my body like some people that I know. They can have an ache or pain and know just what muscle or bone or rib or nerve or organ that is bothering them and I just never have been aware of what it was that was making me feel bad, or tired or whatever. When I use to get migraines I knew what hurt..my bad neck..from my accident..if I would stub a toe I would know what hurt..but just to know when I was feeling bad just all over, no, until now.
Now I have figured it out. The high blood pressure part at least...now that I have got it down, I feel so much better than before but now I feel so much worse because my body is not use to this..it really doesn't make sense to me but that's OK because hopefully I am on the road to a new way of feeling once I am over this tiredness that my new meds are having on me...tired and very light headed...If it is not better by Monday I will go back once again and get it checked out but hopefully I won't have to.

On a sadder note the big plant that I work for had their first layoff in 30 yrs. I feel so bad for those that lost their jobs. Again I have so much to be thankful for but really need to seek God's direction on how He wants us to help others in this time of need for so many....again my prayers go out to them.

How serious to we take Matthew 25:40-45?
The King will reply, "I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers you did for me."
Then he will say to those on his left "Depart from me you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For when I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink. I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look in on me.
44. They will answer "Lord when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?"
45. And He will reply, "I tell you the truth whatever you did NOT do for the least of these, you did NOT do for me....

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Everett's Note

There is a song that goes
"They say that all good things will end"

Well that is WRONG
(Heaven is eternal)

From the song,
The Party's over
God's party is never over.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Daylight Savings

The spring ahead time for some reason is easier to adjust to for me then the fall back time...I don't like this time as well because I am an early riser and I like the light in the morning, but I go to bed so early and I don't like the light in the evening...
I have wondered who makes this decision...seems as though we should have a say in it..it is not so bad when we changed the time in April..but the first of March really seems early...but we will adjust...

Tonight I am reminded once again that the choices that we make in life affect so many people, and most of the time we don't even realize what we do...
My neighbor came over, the one whose husband left her about a half a year ago..just up and left, had a teen age daughter..and now has nothing to do with her either, and my neighbor told me that Jenny dropped out of school...she is a junior..that she is really having a hard time with it all...I am asking my prayer warrior friends out there to pray for them..I feel so bad for them...we never know what another one is going through...

Today once again I am thankful for the beautiful sunset God has given us and the warmth of the afternoon and the safety from the storms last night and the wonderful message we heard this morning at church!
This is the day that the Lord hath made I will be glad and rejoice in it!

Thursday, March 5, 2009


T- time is such a mystery to me,

I- interesting to say the least...

M- My days so swiftly are passing me by

E- Even though, no matter how hard I try.....

I can't hang on...and just keeps going on and on....
I look in the mirror and wonder who is that....
When did it all happen and then I look back..
At all the years that have passed me by...
And all at once I just want to sit and cry..
I look at the ones that are younger than I..
I try to remember and my brain try to rack...
When were my children all home with me???
How did we do it, when there was 2 and three..
It seems it all was just a dream...
Hardly seems true at all...
Must remember:
Only one life and it will soon be past,
And only what's done for Christ will last!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Happy 25th anniversary

Happy silver anniversary to my wonderful daughter Steph and hubby Randy...
I remember the day...you were beautiful Steph as you still are...don't look a day older..
Randy you are like a son to me and I am so proud of you both.
Have a great year and many more to come!!
Love you both

What's the deal

I am trying to figure out what the deal is. My blood pressure has skyrocked again.
I can't figure it out...I am taking a blood pressure pill, but it is doing nil.
So at 8 am. I am going to head to the Clinic and see if I can get some answers..this time it is making me feel funny...not ho ho funny :) but light headed...I am my Mothers daughter..she had this...and now I do too...