Thursday, May 23, 2013

Looking Back

Looking often do we look back....the Bible says that we should put our hands to the plow and NOT look back. Luke 9:32 Jesus says "No one who puts his hands on the plow and looks back is fit for the Kingdom of God." so I would say we should not look back. Maybe some Bible scholars might come up with a different meaning and if there is one I would like to know but I take this verse to mean that we should not look back but look ahead....Lots wife was told not to look back or she would turn into a pillar of salt...she did and she did turn into a pillar of of my hubby's favorite sayings is " Don't look back unless that is where you want to go"

Reflecting on my day and sometimes or maybe more then I want to admit I want to think back to my a lot of people I am sure...wishing that I could do things over...and most likely do them the same way or maybe prayer is that I have learned from my mistakes...and will keep learning from them...but not to dwell on them..letting them steal my joy or worse yet keep me from doing what God has called me to do....

What have I said today that could have hurt someone,s feelings...did I make someone feel bad.... or did I encourage someone who was struggling..did I misunderstand? Did someone misunderstand me? I would hate to count how many times I could have done better today...looking for proof of insurance for my car...couldn't find anxious..leaving tomorrow and needed it...Everett tells me to calm down...we will find it and we did...he said I had little faith..sometimes I do...maybe more then I want to admit...he has enough for both of us..but that doesn't really count of me I need to have my own faith...I do it is just hard...I tend to look at the negative more then the positive I am really trying to change on this one...God has given us so much time here...our days are set...don't think I can change that and the only time I have is right now and what I do with this moment counts...for now and for eternity...I certainly won't be able to change anything then...not when I leave this time here is now...oh how I want to make it count...

On the news lately ( and why I don't know) but they were saying how the F word is used so commonly today. They say that everyone uses it and thinks nothing of it...I hate that word....we were talking today at work and I asked one of my younger employees if she ever used it...she said all of her friends use it all the time...and so does she.. ( I said she needed to get different friends) .and then she said you know
" I am not perfect",,,,will me neither...but does that mean we should go screaming that word around?

The Bible does say that what is in our heart comes out of our mouth...ouch...that's a strong we really know what is in our heart...we best if Jesus is living there....Psalms 19:14 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight O Lord......

Being here, after living 60 some years has made me look at life in a different way...I want to trust God more and most of the time I think that I do...but I much as I should...sometimes it can be scary especially if we tend to have a controlling personality...maybe that comes from being the baby of the family or being a boss for 30 years ...need to let God....

I do know one thing that God's word is is the living breathing word of our God...our Creator, our Savior and if it is in His word it had to be true... and very important...and as a Christian we best be listening....and doing what He wants us to do....when He opens the doors we need to go through and when He shuts the doors we best stay put....

I want to be what He wants me to be and that is to be a servant....He came to serve and that is what He calls us to serve....and sacrifice...for Him...and almost all the time..that is something that is not in our comfort zone..but we must rely on Him....and put our hand on the plow and go forward...and not look back....and live in the what if's...that is not what He wants......